Midnight Avenger- Midnight Special Read online

Page 5

  "In your dreams," Kunoichi said.

  "Step back, boys. Miss Superior here needs a little demonstration," Alberto said. "Give me her collar."

  "It's not a collar, moron," she sneered. "It's a choker."

  "I'm a man, but even I know chokers are cloth," Alberto said, holding up the black steel Object of Power. "Slave collars are made of steel. You wear a slave collar, Cunt-itchy."

  Alberto stood between the two captured heroines, an Object of Power in each hand. He pressed both Objects to their owners' upper chests. Both heroines sucked in a breath, tensing as super powers flowed through their bodies. And then just seconds later he removed the talismans.

  "Ooooh," Midnight Avenger groan, her aroused body already missing the super powers.

  Kunoichi moaned, rubbing her thighs together. She kind of slumped in their arms, too. Midnight Avenger noticed the other heroine grinding her teeth. Some women were more profoundly affected by that surge of super power.

  "Notice their reactions," Alberto said, and again pressed the talismans to the two heroines.

  "Uuummm," Kunoichi groaned.

  "Ooooh," Midnight Avenger gasped, crossing her legs as intense pleasure washed through her body. Riling her up. Getting her all aroused. The Object of Power always got her body excited to a degree. It effected all heroines the same way. "You've made your point."

  "Not yet," he said, pulling the Objects of Power away again. Both women sighed gustily. And he pressed them back to the heroines. "Having fun, ladies?"

  "You are such a bastard," Midnight Avenger groaned out. "Ooooh. Too much. You win."

  He pulled the talismans away. The mobsters were all grinning lecherously at the two women. Midnight Avenger swallowed hard, visions of gang sex dancing in her aroused mind. She wasn't sure about Kunoichi, but Alberto's little game was working on her very well. Her insides were becoming a hot, tingly mess, and her pussy felt hot and wet.

  Alberto continued super charging their bodies for a few seconds, and brutally taking it away. It wasn't long before both women were huffing and puffing, sweating, squirming.

  "Let's try something," Alberto said, and quickly, over and over, he pressed the Objects of Power to their bodies, and pulled them away. Very quickly. Over and over. Driving them crazy. Making them cry out and buck, their struggles getting weaker and weaker. "Bam, bam, bam, come for me. Come. Climax!"

  "Aagh," Midnight Avenger growled, at the brink.

  Her mind was spinning, wicked visions dancing her in mind. She so wanted to climax, to get fucked, but…to give her enemies pleasure was just sick. Kunoichi looked in worse shape, her eyes huge as her struggles faded.

  Kunoichi's almost a goner, Midnight Avenger thought, shame filling her knowing that she'd brought her comrade into this fight, only to fall to those evil men. Her fault.

  "Please, if you stop and release Kunoichi, I'll go with you willingly. I'll do anything you ask," she gasped out. "I'll be anything you want me to be. Just let her go."

  "Too late," Alberto said, continuing to use their Objects of Power against them, over and over so quickly. "We all know that both of you are at the brink of being broken. Any second now both of you will be on your knees begging to be fucked. Begging and groveling for it."

  Midnight Avenger tensed up, back bowing, Her body was at the verge of erupting with climatic pleasure. She fought with all her strength to hold it at bay, but felt her resolve faltering.

  "Good girl," Alberto said, smiling into her eyes so damned smugly.

  Her mind flashed back a month, back in that carriage house on the Ripa Estate, remembering what it was like to be mounted sexily on a BDSM playstation. A ten inch vibrating dildo shoved up inside her, turned on high. Toni and Dynamo watching Alberto sodomize her as she was locked into position. She remembered his cock slamming into her ass, his hands all over her jostling tits. Her body exploding with orgasm after orgasm. And him whispering in her ear, "Good girl," over and over.

  "Aaaggghhhh!" she cried, body exploding in such intense pleasure her mind was burned blank. Midnight Avenger bucked crazily, whipping her head back and forth. "Aaagghhhh!"

  A second later Kunoichi broke, and screamed her orgasm.

  Alberto continued his Object of Power play, making them come over and over.

  "Oooooooooh," Midnight Avenger sighed when he finally stopped.

  "Hey, baby," Alberto said, and kissed her. "You're so beautiful. Your body looks incredible all shiny with sweat." He kissed her slack lips again, and her eyes fluttered open. "You want me to stop now?"

  Midnight Avenger looked into his eyes. She was huffing and puffing so hard she couldn't speak for a moment. Finally, she shook her head. "No. Please don't stop."

  Deep inside a voice screamed that she was just surrendering to the Curse. And she was surrendering to the Ripa Family's wicked mental and physical conditioning. Midnight Avenger knew deep down she had to fight them with all she had, or she'd quickly transform into an insatiable sex machine.

  But she didn't care anymore.

  "I thought so," he said, handing the Objects to another. Alberto removed his shirt, and then unzipped. Her eyes locked on his cock when he pulled it out. She licked her lips, mouth watering, longing to feel him inside. Hungry to taste him again. Her body trembled, pussy throbbing with achy need. The mobster cupped her face, making her look up into his eyes. "Tell me, my beautiful pet, what do you want?"

  "You," she whispered. "Fuck me."

  He kissed her again, hands roughly fondling her. Midnight Avenger moaned and groaned, body a riot of sexy sensations. His hands felt so good pinching, pulling, and twisting her sensitive nipples. It was even better when his fingers plunged deep into her pussy, rubbing her vigorously.

  "Do you remember me fucking you last month?"


  "Was it good?"


  "Did you secretly love it?"


  Alberto pressed against her, claiming her lips in another deep, passionate kiss. Midnight Avenger put all she had into that kiss. She bowed into him, rubbing her tits against his chest. Her hips thrust forward, over and over, humping the air in her deep need.

  "Boss, this bitch is hot to trot," a thug said. "And so is the hot Chinese heroine."

  "Japanese, you idiot — Ooooooh, that feels too good," Kunoichi said, and sighed gustily.

  Midnight Avenger glanced at her. Kunoichi was bent over at the waist, with a Ripa thug thrusting into her hard and fast. He had hold of her long, thick braid, holding her head way back as he fucked her. Another thug was unzipping in front of her, giving her open mouth a hungry look.

  Alberto grabbed her hips, pulling them forward, and her legs spread wide. Midnight Avenger bit her lip, watching him guide his cock towards her hot, achy pussy. Her sex was throbbing. She couldn't breathe as he pressed against her slippery folds, and then thrust into her.

  "Aaiiee! Ooooh, so good," she groaned out. "Ooooh, yes. Ooooh, yes."

  Kunoichi cried out next to her, "Ugh! Oh! Ugh! Yes! Yes! Fuck me. Fuck! Me!"

  Wrapping her lavender thigh booted legs around Alberto, Midnight Avenger humped back as he thrust into her, desperately trying to increase the intensity of her pleasure. While the two goons continued to hold her arms, the mob underboss groped and fondled her jostling tits. He rubbed his face all over her tits, but never stopped humping her. Driving her crazy.

  "Fucking A!" Alberto cried, releasing his seed deep inside the captured heroine. "If it's a boy, we'll name him Alberto Granger Ripa."

  He was quickly replaced by another man.

  "Harder. Faster," she cried, bucking and writhing as one after another took their turn.

  Midnight Avenger didn't know how long it took, but the two heroines were finally dumped on the floor side by side after every man had each of them at least once.

  "And that, my costumed beauties, it what it feels like to be super heroine sex slaves," Alberto sneered. "Hope you had a good time, because that is going to be your life f
or a while to come. And then after we've broken you beyond repair, and brainwash you to be perfectly obedient, you will take your places as our evil super villainess slaves."

  Alberto's phone rang, so he moved away to speak. The other mobsters saw opportunity, and forced the two vanquished heroines to face each other. With their wrists handcuffed behind their backs, they had to kneel pressed together, tits rubbing together, lips locked in a deep kiss as the men watched and gave instructions.

  Slowly at first, and then growing quicker and quicker, Midnight Avenger felt her wits returning. Kunoichi was good, but making out was nowhere as intense and mind numbing as intercourse or other sex acts. As her mind and body returned to normal, other thoughts crept in, even as she started to feel the aches and pains of overused set in.

  "Shut up," Kunoichi said at length. "We're handcuffed, you morons. All we can do it kiss."

  "Forget them," Midnight Avenger said, catching a gleam in Kunoichi's eyes, and understanding what she wanted. "They want the world, but aren't smart enough to figure out how to get it. Alberto will tell them to uncuff us when he returns, so we can really go at each other like horny minxes."

  Kunoichi sighed, shaking her head, "I guess we'll just have to wait. Kiss me."

  "Mmmmm," they both groaned wantonly as their lips met, melted together.

  Midnight Avenger was impressed with Kunoichi's kisses. The girl knew how to turn up the heat. Her oversexed, overused body reacted, getting aroused and needy very quickly. As they writhed against each other, tongues playing, the mobsters grew more and more excited.

  "Alright! Alright," one of them said, shoving a key into Midnight Avenger's handcuffs. "You two better put on the best lesbian sex show ever."

  "Or we'll beat you like crack whores," the man removing Kunoichi's cuffs said.

  Midnight Avenger's eyes cut to her right, to their Objects of Power discarded on the floor next to the wall. Just five feet away.

  "No problem," Kunoichi said, rubbing her wrists. She locked eyes with Midnight Avenger. "You ready?"

  "Always," she said, and grinned with wicked glee as she stretched her shoulder muscles. Then she opened her arms to take the other heroine in for a hug and kiss. The men perked up, eyes growing more intense as they leaned forward. "Now!"

  They threw themselves towards the wall, rolling across the floor. Rolling through the legs of mobsters and bowling them over. A second later each had her talisman in hand.

  "Ass kicking time!" Midnight Avenger cried.

  "Hai!" Kunoichi cried, already having launched herself at the closest mobster.

  Midnight Avenger took a second to put her tiara back on. It was too delicate to hold in her hand while fighting. Kunoichi was using her steel Object almost like brass knuckles, battering the hell out of mobsters with it. As soon as the super heroine's tiara was in place, she launched herself through the air like a missile.

  Flying just over head high, she brought her right knee up to slam into head after head as she flew by. Five mobsters hit the floor in as many seconds. She left the remainder for Kunoichi, and targeting Alberto in the next room.

  "What the — ?" Alberto said, whirling around when she kicked the door in. "They escaped!"

  "And you accuse super heroines of always stating the obvious," she sneered. "Say good-bye to your friends."

  The beautiful black heroine charged him. Alberto threw the phone at her, and then tried to take advantage when she batted it aside. He stepped in, fist back and low for a punch to the ribs. Midnight Avenger spun around, avoiding his punch. She found herself behind him, so slammed two punches into his back, right over his kidneys.

  "Pee blood, miscreant," she said. "And think about me."

  He spun, pounding an elbow into her face. She stumbled back, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. Alberto charged her with a wild cry. Midnight Avenger dropped low, ducking under a wild right cross, and stood up inside his guard. Face to face.

  "Hey, respect my personal space," she said, and kneed him in the nuts. Grabbing his right wrist, she twisted it up behind his back so savagely his arm popped out of the socket. "Ouch, bet that hurts."

  "Bitch, one day your ass will be mine," he cried through clenched teeth.

  "Not today," she said. "You're going to jail."

  Midnight Avenger pounded a fist into the back of his head. Alberto tensed, and then crumbled into a heap at her feet. She bound his wrists with one of many tie-wraps hidden in her thigh boots.

  "Really? Just one guy?" Kunoichi said from the door.

  Midnight Avenger slanted a look over her shoulder, arching one brow.

  "He's their leader," she said. "And the toughest of the bunch."

  "If you say so," Kunoichi said, shrugging and then grinning. "I just kicked about twenty or thirty mobster asses out here."

  "Ms Amazing better watch out, or you'll replace her as the city's premier super heroine," she said. "You've already mastered the art of exaggeration."

  "Exaggeration? Me?" she said, and grinned even fiercer. "In my defense, each of them is at least three times bigger than me."

  "Okay, I'll give you that one. Just this once," she said. Reaching down and grabbing Alberto's collar, "Tell you what. I'll start wiping their minds of our secret identities, if you'll gather up all of their phones. There's a new app on your phone that will unlock their phones, so you don't have to have their passwords. Delete everything on their phones, and then save it to the cloud. That should remove any pictures of us that they saved there."

  "And then destroy their phones. I know the drill, even though this is the first time I ever had to worry about it," she said, grimacing.

  They put on their masks first, and then their costumes. Midnight Avenger lined the mobsters up alone a wall, and woke them up. Once they were all awake, she started lecturing them on the futility of a life of crime. Basically boring them to death to distract them from what she was about to do. When she caught all of them looking at her at the same time, she touched the purple gemstone in her tiara and said the spell's trigger word, "Gotcha!"

  They grunted, and got that slack-jawed look that told her they were indeed caught by the spell. While Kunoichi worked on their phones, she gave the commands that would make them forget ever catching them, ever fucking them, ever knowing what their faces looked like. While they were mesmerized, she questioned them extensively, coming from different directions, to test if they could find a way to summon up the wiped away information.

  Chapter 5

  "Is there a more beautiful sight that mobsters being led away in handcuffs?" Midnight Avenger said.

  They police had taken both hers and Kunoichi's statements. They admitted to being captured and 'tortured' but not to anything too embarrassing. The trials would certainly force them to admit to the unsavory aspects of their capture, but as humiliating as they would be, it would also help put those evil men in prison for even longer terms.

  "How good are their lawyers?" Kunoichi said. "Do you think they really will go to prison for what they did tonight?"

  Midnight Avenger thought about it a second, and disappointment started to set in. The DA would personally prosecute, and 'accidently' make a paperwork mistake that he could blame on the police or someone else in the DA's office. Alberto would surely get off, and probably most of the thugs. A couple would go to prison, just so he could point to their convictions as proof of his success fighting crime.

  "Maybe," she said. "If past trials are any indication, probably not."

  "Damn," Kunoichi said. "I heard the courts are pretty lenient in Synne City, if not outright corrupted."

  "Sad but true," she said. "Some of the Assistant DA's are quite honest and hard working, but others are there to collect their bribes."

  "Why don't the heroines of the city clean it up?"

  "The people don't like it when heroines battle corrupt police and prosecutors," she said. "They want everyone to play nice. And if push comes to shove, the citizens usually rally around their elected officials."
  "That sucks," the Asian beauty said.

  Kunoichi scowled at the mobsters, mostly now in squad cars. The police were starting to drive away, taking them to jail. Their high-priced lawyers would likely start arriving before they reached the jailhouse.

  "How are you doing?" Midnight Avenger said, looking around to ensure no one was close enough to overhear. "This was your first setback, right?"

  "Yeah," she said, eyes narrowing before dropping. "Not as bad as I feared it would be."

  "But still."

  "Embarrassing. I hate feeling weak and vulnerable," she said. Kunoichi briefly rubbed her tits. "I think my girls are going to hurt for a week. Those boys were rough."

  Midnight Avenger shrugged. "Just a minor setback. Could've been worse. I'd had much worse."

  They watched as most of the police left, and then the crime scene vehicles pulled up. With the arrival of CSI they lifted up into the air to above the buildings.

  "Are your nights usually so…interesting?" Kunoichi said.

  Midnight Avenger paused, thinking, and then shrugged, "More often than I care to admit. Welcome to Synne City."

  They parted ways on that. Midnight Avenger went home.

  "What a night," she said as she stroke through her condo, still in full costume. Her stiletto boots clacked loudly on the hardwood. She paced, back and forth across the living room. Rubbing her lips together, remembering the taste of Alberto. Remembering his scent. "I can't believe he fucked me again."

  Her belly quivered in memory. It got hotter, harder to breathe. Her hands wanted to go to her sex, to rub her needs away. Closing her eyes just brought visions of Alberto, and all of those other mobsters, to her mind's eye, as memories of that long gang bang returned.

  Worse, "I can't believe how much I enjoyed it. Wanted it."

  Alberto didn't really recall doing it, but he recognized the signs that they had started her brainwashing process. She responded perfectly to his commands.

  "I've been compromised."

  Technically, she was supposed to tell the city witch about any chance of her mind, her psyche, even her body being compromised. Problem with that, Jazz would use magic to wipe her mind. It's happened before. Midnight Avenger hated having that 'hole' in her memories, more than she feared being compromised.