Midnight Avenger Read online

Page 3

  "Get the bitch on her feet," their leader said. "We got a buyer heading this way."

  Two men grabbed her upper arms, dragging the bedraggled super heroine to her unsteady feet. She recovered quickly, which was a trait of Amazons.

  "Wow, don't you think it's rude to bang a girl and then sell her?" Bat Babe said, and sighed gustily. "Thanks for the good time, but I have to go."

  With that she flexed her muscles, and pulled her hands apart. All of her upper body muscles bulged, and then the latex restraint snapped. Bat Babe twisted and kicked first left, then right, breaking free of her captors. A flying roundhouse sent their leader to the ground, and seconds later, and after another dozen kicks, all five gang bangers were down and out.

  Midnight Avenger watched as the redhead picked up her discarded top and faux power belt, and flew back down the alley and away. She and Kunoichi stood there a moment longer, shaking their heads.

  "How did she do that?" Kunoichi said. "She was depowered, but had the strength to break free."

  "Everyone thinks her Object of Power is her belt, and she tries hard to make everyone think that, too," Midnight Avenger said. "But it's not. It's her ring, hidden by her gloves."

  "She's seriously sick," Kunoichi said.

  "Maybe. One heroine's sick is another's genius."

  They looked back down into the alley as the Dragons started pulling themselves together. Kunoichi shook her head woefully.

  "That's a dangerous game she's playing," Kunoichi said.

  Midnight Avenger sighed gustily. "All heroines are playing dangerous games."

  "She will let the wrong man catch her, and she'll be sold into white slavery."

  Midnight Avenger nodded absently, recalling lost comrades. So many lost. So many now wallowing in sexual slavery around the world. Would that be her fate as well?

  "I know. In Synne City, white slavery is the fate of three quarters of all heroines. No one knows what happens to the other quarter."

  "That's disturbing."

  "That's our reality," Midnight Avenger said. "All I can say is don't get captured."

  Chapter 3

  Midnight Avenger sighed gustily as Kunoichi flew away. The Asian super heroine's first night was short, but the veteran heroine suspected it made an impression. At least Batty's antics, and what she had to say about them, seemed to make her stop and think.

  "I might've made her sorry she chose Synne City," she said as Kunoichi faded into the darkness. She glanced down into the alley, now empty. "Batty's batshit crazy. Poor girl."

  As far as she knew, Midnight Avenger was the only heroine who knew Bat Babe's secret identity. She was Heather Long, who was kidnapped and sold into white slavery within a week of graduating high school. She spent four or five years as a street walker in the Tenderloin, before she answered the call to costumed crime fighting. Thing was, her current 'day job' was stripper in one of Synne City top Gentlemen's Clubs. And Midnight Avenger knew for a fact she still turned tricks, only now she charged a helluva lot more for the privilege to banging her hot body.

  It's a damned hard habit to break, she thought, remembering the times she'd been captured and forced to prostitute herself. She'd never done it without being coerced, but every time her job at the DA's office was threatened, or she had a shortfall of cash to pay bills, it occurred to her that there was an easy way to earn good money. The urge never quite goes away.

  She wondered if Ms Amazing, Glory Gal, and Gold Avenger ever had those dark urges. All of them had been forced into prostitution either through capture or blackmail. Many times each. Ms Amazing and Gold Avenger were filthy rich as their alter egos, so money problems didn't plague them. Glory Gal probably made about as much as her, so possibly had a few lean times.

  "Why does my mind keep going to dark places like that?" she said, shaking her head as she slowly lifted off the building. It had to be something they did to her during her recent captivity. It was all such a blur. All she really remembered was the constant, all consuming sex. She only spent one night in her enemy's hands, but it felt like a lifetime.

  I really should speak to Jazz about a limited memory purge, she thought, but that frightened her more than the dark thoughts. To successfully wipe memories, it had to be done soon after the actual event. Like within days. Oh, a blanket wipe of a specified period of time could be done at any time, but there was a big risk of "hidden" memories being missed. Sometimes those hidden memories returned to disastrous consequences. I've probably waited too long.

  "Life sucks, then you die," she muttered, dark eyes narrowing as she looked down at the most hated district in Synne City. "Get over yourself, girl. There's work to be done."

  She considered going home and catching up on her sleep. That was rejected right away, since she felt wired to the max. There would be no sleeping for many hours.

  Flying up to about a thousand feet, she looked all around the city. Where to patrol? And then she spotted the flashing lights. Red. White. Blue. Police and emergency vehicles lights. So something was going down in the River Downs warehouse district. Nothing good ever happened down by the river at night.

  Midnight Avenger headed that way. The police might need super heroine assistance, whether they'd admit it or not. The police had been a bit more accepting of heroines since Ms Amazing successfully helped them take down the Solis Family. It was probably because Ms Amazing took a step back and let the police bask in the glory of public acclaim.

  Didn't happen often. Synne City's super heroine corps loved good PR as much as a good bust.

  Upon arrival, Midnight Avenger smiled widely. She was not needed. Catgirl was down there in the center of a mob of police, reporters, and cameras. Sullen looking men were being led to squad cars and taken away. After a moment, she recognized a few of the arrested men, despite them being bloody and battered. Ripa Family thugs one and all.

  "Good for you," Midnight Avenger said, body tensing and eyes narrowing. "Together, we'll crush those bastards beneath our heels."

  She knew the other heroines were concerned with hers and Catgirl's independent campaigns to vanquish the Ripa Family for once and all. Really, it was borderline obsession. They all knew it was doubly dangerous to focus too much on one group or type of crime. Obsessive behavior causes mistakes, and that leads to disaster.

  Can't be helped. Midnight Avenger studied the crowd around Catgirl. Toni and Dynamo broke me somehow. Now I have to break them.

  "Oh my, a lucky break," she said, focusing on a known figure below. Alberto Ripa. The Ripa Family's number two boss, second only to his father. He was at the back of the crowd with a couple of enforcers. After a moment they got into a black SUV and departed. "Now where would a bunch of bad boys be going this late at night? Let's find out."

  Following them from one hundred feet above was insanely easy. It was night, so they couldn't see her. Their car lights were beacons in the night, almost impossible to lose.

  Alberto's SUV was soon speeding down the nearest highway, and heading out of the city. She followed them to an upper middle class suburb, and then to an apartment complex. Midnight Avenger moved in closer and watched as they looked all around, acting very suspicious, and finally entered a ground floor apartment.

  She pulled her phone and pulled up an app. After hitting a button to apply the GPS coordinates, it pulled up all the information about the complex. The complex was new construction, just over a year old. It was an expensive place to live, and there was only one 911 call from there in the last year. Domestic violence. She hit another button, and it got interesting.

  "Owned by Ripa Investments," she whispered. "Interesting."

  It was still relatively early in the night, so there were numerous people moving about in the complex. There was a dark, grassy strip between the apartment the mobsters entered and the next building over. So she landed there and moved up to the first window.

  "I'm going to be very disappointed if Alberto is keeping a mistress here and this is just a booty call," she said.
  It proved to be a bedroom window. The lights were on, but no one was in the room. The living room window opened out on the parking lot, and was well lit. But there was a patio, with sliding glass doors next to the bedroom window. The parking lot lights lit the patio pretty well, so she was more likely to be seen by a passerby, but there wasn't anything she could do about that.

  The curtains were closed, so she couldn't see into the apartment. Muted voiced reached her, so Midnight Avenger leaned in and pressed an ear to the glass. She recognized Alberto's voice, angry and dominating the conversation. Apparently he wasn't pleased with Catgirl. Go figure.

  "Don't move," a harsh male voice said behind her, as he pressed a pistol to the back of her head.

  Her Object of Power stopped bullets. Unless the gun was pressed against her. It needed six inches, per Jazz, to stop a standard pistol bullet. The more powerful the weapon, the more distance it needed.

  Midnight Avenger lifted her purple-gloved hands. "Don't shoot. I surrender."

  "Damn right," another man said, coming out of the nightshadows. He snapped a handcuff around her left wrist, and then twisted that around behind her back. As he grabbed her right wrist, the gunman moved back. "We're going to have a lot of fun with — Ugh!"

  Now safe from bullets, she savagely stomped on his foot, then drove her sharp heel into his leg just above the knee. She twisted away as his grip on her right arm weakened. She pounded a swift punch to his face, followed up with a knee to the ribs. He gasped and groaned, stumbling away.


  "Idiot," she growled, and snapped a kick to his chin. As he fell back, another thug charged in out of the darkness. "Damn, how many are you?"

  "Enough," another said, coming around the corner from the parking lot.

  Midnight Avenger leapt into the air, delivering a flying kick to the last thug, before using her power of flight to loop over and behind the other charging mobster. Three punches to the back sent him stumbling away. Footsteps behind her kept her from finishing him off.

  As she turned to face the new foe, he swung and hit her left cheek.

  Black and white flashed behind her eyes. The pain consumed her head, lancing down her spine. He didn't hit her with a fist. It had to be a crowbar or pistol, or something equally hard. Her knees buckled, and Midnight Avenger staggered back against the sliding glass doors.

  "Uggh, I'm going to — " she said, eyes focusing on her attacker. He had a pistol in hand, and backhanded her with it. "Ugh!"

  She dropped to one knee.

  "Ugh!" she cried, struck again in the side of the head. And again, "Ugh!"

  The last hit sent her tiara flying. She felt her super powers bleed away, and suddenly the pain intensified. Midnight Avenger collapsed face down at his feet, clawing at the concrete as her mind screamed at her unresponsive body. The gunman pressed a knee between her shoulder blades, while another thug came up to pull her arms back. The handcuffs locked around her other wrist.

  "Got her," he said.

  The gunman lifted off of her, and the second thug pulled her up by her hair, forcing the vanquished vigilante to kneel. She looked up into their triumphant faces.

  "Midnight Slut, you are depowered, bound, and helpless," he said. "You are ours. Kiss my foot."

  He shoved her face down to his foot. She refused to kiss it, so he ground her face against the shoe. Midnight Avenger cried out, and kicked her right foot back and up, striking him in the face with the back of her heel. Unfortunately, she was depowered and had no real leverage, so he was just pissed off by her kick.

  Crying out in anger, he stood straight, dragging her to her feet. She was shoved back against the glass door as he drove a brutal knee up between her legs.

  "Ugh! Bastard," she cried. Three sets of fists and knees began pounding into her. They beat out what little strength she had left, leaving her a woozy mess. "Ooooh, goddess help me."

  "No help for you," Alberto said, pushing the others aside. He looked her over with relish. "Take her inside."

  A man on each arm, Midnight Avenger was dragged around to the breezeway, and into the front door. Alberto followed, closing and locking the door. The men holding her let go and stepped back, leaving the captured heroine facing their leader.

  He held up her lost tiara, her Object of Power. She longed to get it back. Was desperate to get it back, and the super powers it came with. Alberto set it on top of the coffee table, just five feet from her.

  Alberto stepped in close, cupped her face, and pressed his face in so close his lips brushed hers as he spoke. "You don't know how pleased I am to catch you, Midnight Slut."

  She lifted her chin, holding his eyes with a contemptuous glare. "You don't know how pleased I am to do this!"

  The purple costumed heroine brought her knee up as hard as she could. Pounded it right between his legs. He just grinned back, and she knew she was toast.

  "Shit," she said. He was wearing a cup. She felt it when she kneed him.

  His hand tightened on her face. A look of vicious pleasure spread across his face.

  "Good girl," he said.

  "Ooh," she gasped, her mind suddenly spinning and her insides turning into a hot mess. She squeezed her legs together, trying to quell the hot, wet sensations spreading down there.

  "Good girl," he said again, eye dancing with evil delight.

  "Ooooooh," she groaned. Her pussy was so hot, so wet. It ached with need. "Oh goddess, what's happening to me?"

  "We captured you, you stupid costumed cunt," he sneered. "With Dynamo's help, we created a brainwashing program for any heroine we capture."

  "But you can't remember capturing me. We wiped your minds," she gasped out.

  "Ah, but others told us that you were our prisoner," he said. "So we just assume we started the process. Apparently, from your reaction to that key phrase, we did start brainwashing you."

  "I'm not as weak as you think," she said through clenched teeth. "I will find a way to defy you."

  Bravado always felt good. It rarely helped, but was always worth a try.

  "Good girl."

  It was a like a gut punch of pure pleasure. Midnight Avenger bent over, the intensity between her legs too much to handle. Alberto had her pussy throbbing.

  "Oooh, please," she groaned.

  "See boys, I told you I could make a heroine beg for my cock," Alberto said. "Midnight Avenger, kneel and deliver."

  "Uggh. Oooooh," she cried, eyes huge and mouth in an O. Her mind completely jumbled, as her knees buckled and she fell before him. Midnight Avenger rose up on her knees, looking up into his gloating face. "Oh goddess, I'm in so much trouble."

  "Heroines all have such a knack for stating the obvious," Alberto said. "At least you're not referring to yourself in the third person. That's so annoying."

  "You are so pathetic," she gasped out. It was so hot in there. So hard to breathe. "Be a man. Release my arms and face me one-on-one. I win, I leave. You win, I'm yours to do with as you please."

  "Holy shit, boss, I've never heard a heroine offer to give herself up before," a thug said.

  "That's because she has nothing to lose," he said. "Sorry, Midnight Special, but you are already mine to do with as I please." He grinned down at her. "Kneel and deliver."

  "Ugh!" she cried, and her mind for once focused instead of going into a jumble. Unfortunately, it focused on the bulge in his pants. Her mouth started watering, and she envisioned herself sucking him off. "Son of a — "

  "Good girl. Kneel and deliver. Now."

  "Ooooooooh," she cried, and then licked her full lips. Her whole body was tingling. All she wanted was his cock in her mouth. A tiny part of her mind objected, shouting that it was mental conditioning. She was brainwashed to respond like that to that command. Fight the urge! Fight it! But she didn't. Midnight Avenger pressed her face to his bulge, kissing it. "I need help. Can't get it."

  "Use your teeth. Unzip me."

  "Okay. Okay," she said, panting. She pushed her mouth again
st his zipper, and then used her tongue to lift the little zipper tap, before catching it between her teeth. Midnight Avenger pulled it down, unzipping the mob lieutenant. Alberto pulled the cup out, and then his cock flopped out, fully erected. "Oh my."

  It was so beautiful to her corrupted psyche. Not the longest cock she'd seen, or sucked, but it was more than long enough and quite thick. Midnight Avenger nuzzled it, savoring the hot smooth skin. The stench of urine and unwashed manparts assaulted her, yet it was like the sweetest perfume to her libido.

  "So wrong," she gasped out, but started licking.

  "Midnight Avenger, kneel and deliver," he said, as the others chuckled.

  "Uuummmm," she groaned, body aching with need. The shapely heroine rolled her tongue around the mobster's dickhead, and then cut her eyes up as she sucked him into her mouth. "Mmmmmm."

  Midnight Avenger held his eyes as she bobbed up and down his cock. Sucking. Working her tongue. Giving him the best she knew how.

  "You know what my favorite thing in the whole world is, boys?" Alberto said, grabbing her head with both hands. "Skull fucking super heroines."

  Alberto forced his way down into her throat.

  "Ack! Ngh!" she cried, eyes huge.

  "Hell yes! This is what I call…uggh…A Midnight Special!" Alberto cried, and came down her throat. "Suck it all down. Swallow! Swallow it all!"

  Her eyes flashed. Midnight Avenger's mind refocused. She hated it when they maligned her good name. When they twisted it for their own perverse pleasure. And that anger helped her to purge the mental conditioning. Anger filled the void that obedience left.

  "Hang her from the ceiling by her wrists and strip her," Alberto said, pulling out his smart phone. "While we wait for Toni and Dynamo to come over and take her away for permanent brainwashing, we'll all have some fun with that hot, big-titted body."

  Visions of being gangbanged filled her mind. Panic set in. Adrenalin pumped, filling her up. The second they unlocked her right wrist, Midnight Avenger burst into action.

  "Watch out!"