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Ms Patriot- Lair of the Dragon


  (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril)


  JK Waylon


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  Smokin' Hot Press on Smashwords

  Copyright 2013 by JK Waylon

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

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  Ms Patriot: Lair of the Dragon

  (Synne City Super Heroine in Peril)

  Ms Patriot flattened herself against the cold brick wall. It was the kind of dark villains loved to lurk in. The kind of dark they loved to hide their nefarious activities inside. It was the dark around Lady Dragon's lair.

  The super shapely super heroine licked full red lips and narrowed baby blues as she looked all around for traps or lurking henchmen. Lady Dragon was as fastidious with her security as with her insidious experiments. A very detail oriented woman, indeed.

  "But she's no match for me," Ms Patriot whispered, and grinned roguishly.

  The only sounds were the singing night insects, and the soft click and scrap of her blue stiletto thigh boots, with the line of white stars up the front. Her legendary red, white, and blue costume barely covered her luscious body, while a blue star-spangled mask hid her secret identity from the world. She also wore red star earrings, solid gold choker and red opera gloves. And of course, her golden power belt that gave her super strength and endurance, and her golden tiara.

  Lady Dragon's lair was an abandoned research facility just outside of Synne City's city limits. Two weeks ago she spoke with Gold Avenger about this facility. The other super heroine thought something strange was going on out here. She hadn't heard anything from her shiny gold clad comrade since. Both Gold Avenger and Golden Girl were missing. Then last night, while on patrol, she and Freedom Girl has encountered Lady Dragon and a dozen of her goons. After the smoke clear, Ms Patriot was alone in the dark streets, and Freedom Girl was gone.

  It was simple enough to do the math.

  "Hang on, my courageous comrades," Ms Patriot said. "I'm coming to the rescue."

  The costumed vigilante eased up to a side door and tried the knob. It was locked. Not a problem. With her super strength, she ripped the door open and slipped inside. No alarm went off. Evil villains rarely used alarms, because they attracted unwanted attention if set off.

  The gorgeous super heroine found herself in a long, dark hallway, with a dim light at the distant end. But it was surprisingly clean for an abandoned facility. The hard tile floors gleamed from recent polishing. Her clicking footsteps echoed loudly in her hypersensitive ears.

  The one dim light was over a double door. Light was bleeding from under that door, too. Pressing her ear against it, she heard voices, including an imperious feminine voice, with an Asian accent. Lady Dragon!

  I've done it! I've found Lady Dragon, she thought triumphantly. And the police said it couldn't be done.

  "Halt, you are all under arrest!" Ms Patriot cried as she kicked open the double doors and charged in.

  Lady Dragon gawked at her from the middle of two huge goons. She was a not petite Asian, either. From her rap sheet, Ms Patriot remembered she was five foot seven, one hundred ten pounds, with measurements of 36-24-36. Lady Dragon had fierce brown eyes and waist length jet black hair. She wore a red silk Chinese gown with a daring slit up her right leg and red stiletto pumps.

  The arch villain's look of surprise quickly changed to a sneer of contempt.

  "Oh, it's you," Lady Dragon said. "Took you long enough."

  "Traffic," Ms Patriot said. "And you could try finding a more convenient location."

  "I'll put that on my To Do List, right under watching you being fucked into submission," Lady Dragon said. Then she shoved the two goons. "Get her."

  Ms Patriot shook her head woefully. It was rather insulting that Lady Dragon thought two mere men could take her. It would take five times that pair's numbers to equal her strength.

  They split up and circled wide around the room. That brought them in on opposite sides of the beautiful super heroine. She watched their approach with a smug smile as she fluffed her waist length lustrous black hair. With her hands in her hair like that, her titanic DDs were lifted and displaying enticingly. The men couldn't take their lusty eyes off her legendary rack, as was her plan.

  Men, so easily distracted by a beautiful woman, she thought contemptuously.

  Lady Dragon rolled her eyes in disgust as the men shuffled to their doom.

  "From now on, I hire only eunuchs," Lady Dragon said.

  "Too late," Ms Patriot said.

  The hyper hot super heroine suddenly spun around. An incredible roundhouse kick hit one, then the other, in the head. Both men flew backwards to land in motionless heaps. One kick, two goons down.

  Ms Patriot grinned smugly at Lady Dragon and wagged her perfectly plucked eyebrows at her.

  Lady Dragon now looked afraid. She stepped back one step and held both hands out before her in a warding action. Ms Patriot tugged up on her thigh boots, and then started striding over to take the villainess vixen into custody.

  "Wait!" Lady Dragon cried, stopping Ms Patriot halfway to her.

  "Wait for what, miscreant?"

  "This," Lady Dragon said, grinning and stepped on a half hidden button in the floor. Ms Patriot looked up, expecting a net to fall, but instead the floor dropped out from under her booted feet. "This is where you get the shaft."

  "Yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!" Ms Patriot cried as she plunged deep beneath the earth.

  The gaping shaft dropped her about ten feet, then turned into a spiraling slide. Seconds later she was dumped ungraciously into a dark round room. She quickly scrambled to her feet as the ceiling slowly rolled back with a loud grinding noise, to reveal Lady Dragon and her two goons standing atop a thick glass ceiling, laughing down at her.

  "You were the easiest super heroine to capture so far, Ms Super-ditz," Lady Dragon said.

  "You simple-minded fool," Ms Patriot snarled. "I'm not captured. Far from it. In fact, I will be out of this amateurish trap in short order, and don't expect any mercy from me now."

  "Really? Amateurish? Hmm, does this look like amateurish?" Lady Dragon said, holding up a remote. Ms Patriot sucked in her breath. Then the shapely villainess pressed a button and a door began to slide open before Ms Patriot. "My creation. I hope you like it as much as I do." She laughed as a large, greenish-gray creature half crawled, half slithered out. It reminded her somewhat of an octopus, with a multitude of long, thick tentacles. "But I don't think we'll enjoy it the same way."

  "Sacred Justice!"

  The creature was faster than she initially thought. And craftier. It sent two tentacles at her at the same time, high and low. She batted the high tentacle away, but the other wrapped around her left leg. It proved incredibly strong.

  "Let go, you misbegotten creature," she cried, trying to pull the tentacle off her leg. Then a tentacle wrapped around her slender throat from behind. In that instant she realized the main body of the creature was right next to her, with tentacles all around her. "Aack!"

  The statuesque super heroine reached for the tentacle around her neck even as she felt another one encircle and capture her right leg. Her long, shapely legs were immedia
tely pulled wide. And worse, her hands never reached her neck, each being captured by more tentacles.

  "Sacred Justice! How many tentacles does that creature have? Wait! No! Not my top!" she cried as the creature pulled her patriotically themed bustier top off. Then two more tentacles come from behind her, each with a sucker on the tip. "Oh no! Don’t you dare touch my breasts!"

  Both suckers attached themselves to her pretty pink nipples, and she immediately felt pin pricks jabbing deep into her nipples. A scary warmth spread out from those punctures, as the vile creature’s poison consumed her huge, firm boobs. And then it began sucking intensely. Ms Patriot struggled for a few minutes, frantic to escape this vile creature's clutches. All the while it sucked harder and harder on her titanic tits, until the impressive DDs were burning with need, and erupted milk. "Sacred Justice, I'm being milked!"

  "Milked like a cow," Lady Dragon laughed from high above.

  "Milked like the fat-titted cow she is and has always been," one of the goons crowed merrily.

  The super endowed super vixen didn't pay them any heed. She had bigger problems, mainly she could feel milk gushing out of her perfect tits and into those vile tentacles. And her DDs were visibly deflating.

  "My beautiful breasts are ruined!"

  While distracted, the stunning super heroine didn't see two other tentacles reach around to the small of her back and seize her power belt. With super human effort, the foul creature pulled and the belt that cannot be removed came loose. She instantly felt her super strength and endurance evaporate.

  "I've been de-powered!" she cried, horrified. Then the same two tentacles ripped off her bottoms. "Not my shorts! I'm utterly vulnerable to this insidious monster's vile intentions now!" She looked up at a gloating Lady Dragon. "I will have my vengeance!"

  "Not today, Ms Fuck Cow," Lady Dragon said.

  Before Ms Patriot could respond, she felt something slimy sliding up her inner right thigh. Looking down she could only gawk a long moment. One of the tentacles had a pulsating, oozing phallic appendage. And it was making straight to her exposed pussy.

  "Yuck! Oooh, don't let that nasty thing touch me!" she cried. Then it pressed up against her strangely wet pussy lips. Ms Patriot gyrated her hip this way and that, thrust them back and forth, trying to avoid being impaled on that creature's nasty phallus headed tentacle. But to no avail, because a few seconds later it pushed through those hot, moist folds of sensitive flesh, and into her slit. It didn't hesitate this time, and plunged deep into her vulnerable vagina. "Uuuugggghhhhhhhh! I've been penetrated!"

  Ms Patriot didn't realize how aroused her body had become until she was impaled on that phallic tentacle. Beads of sweat were already rolling down her shapely, toned, and very overheated body. She was tingling all inside in that most frightening of ways, at least for a super heroine.

  Her head rolled back and she arched her back, incredulous that anything could feel so damn good. She was held tight, held immobile, while that insidious monster fucked her seven ways to Sunday. For fifteen minutes it pumped in and out of her body, driving her mad with need and desire, but she ground her teeth and doggedly fought off the orgasm that threatened to destroy her, threatened to be so powerful she would be tamed.

  "Oh," she gasped as the suckers released her aching nipples. Glancing down, she gasped in horror at the sight she beheld. "My tits! They are ruined! Completely deflated!"

  Two empty bags drooped down almost to her navel. Utterly empty.

  That sight, that shocked her to her core, was all it took to batter down the last wall of determination. Ms Patriot felt the orgasm change her whole body, as it suddenly erupted from deep, deep down.

  "Aaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she cried. "Sacred Justice, I've been tamed!" And threw back her head, arched her back even more, and climaxed again, "Aaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

  The genetically engineered creature continued to fuck the sexy and now horny super heroine for another hour. She lost count of the climaxes after twenty, didn't care anymore. After that first pair of orgasms, she didn't even fight them anymore.

  "Ms Patriot is defeated at long last!" Lady Dragon crowed from high above, looking down on her most hated enemy laying spread-eagle on the floor below, covered in slowly cooling creature cum and her own breast milk. "Drag her away, my pet. Take her to the breeding chamber."

  The vile creature began shuffling away, dragging the unconscious masked beauty by one ankle. Ms Patriot slowly woke up halfway down that cool, dark corridor. She forced her body to remain totally relaxed and loose, like it was still unconscious, as she studied the creature dragging.

  His head looks soft and vulnerable, she thought, and went into action a second later.

  With her loose foot, she drove her sharp stiletto heel into the tentacle wrapped around her other ankle. She drove it a good four inches into the fleshy tentacle, forcing it to release her. Before the creature could turn around to face her, Ms Patriot jumped on its back and straight finger gouged first one, then the other eye out. Once it was blinded and thrashing about madly, she began driving her hard elbow into the top of its head until she completely smashed its brains to mush and it was left a quivering mess on the floor.

  "I'd like to see Lady Dragon's face when she discovers her hell-spawned pet dead," Ms Patriot said, grinning grimly.

  Ms Patriot looked both ways. The door back to the circular chamber was closed now. She suspected Lady Dragon already had possession of her power belt, and probably her shredded costume. Villains seemed to love keeping mementos, trophies, of their adventures and conquests.

  "I'll get those back shortly, but first things first," she said, continuing down the way the creature was dragging her. "I'll wager my sweet round butt that my friends and comrades are at the end of this hallway."

  The door at the end was open, letting in the only light there was inside the corridor. The statuesque super heroine strode down that corridor confidently, her naked, deflated DDs bouncing. But she could see her boobs were starting to fill out again, due to the amazing healing abilities of her Amazon body. Her smile returned and she was feeling her oats again.

  I misspoke in the excitement of the moment, she thought, grimacing as she recalled her time with the creature. I wasn't tamed, just merely forced to climax. I really must learn to tell the difference.

  Ms Patriot's heart was still pounding and her breathing was labored, but she had a major dose of adrenalin surging through her shapely body and felt up to the coming task. But when she stepped through the door, she stopped and had second thoughts.

  "Yikes! What kind of dungeon of horrors is this?"

  Beautiful young women were everywhere. Lined up along the walls, and in long rows in the middle of the room. Their feet were down at the floor, but they were laid on tables at forty-five degree angles. Steel bands held them immobile. Most had swollen bellies, and almost all of them had hideous, sluglike creatures about the size of footballs suckling at their engorged tits.

  "Uuggh, this is horrible. Lady Dragon will pay dearly for this outrage," she growled, and raced over to the first woman. The beautiful redhead looked to be about twenty. Ms Patriot seized the slug on her left tit, and twisted it in two. Ichor gushed out of the dead creature as it screamed its death. "Be gone, vile vermin!"

  The little monster's scream frightened the rest off the other women. They all raced away with surprising speed, vanishing into numerous holes along the walls.

  With that done, Ms Patriot began moving through the room, looking for Freedom Girl and her friends. It only took a few minutes before she found them, all lined up next to each other.

  "Sacred Justice! I didn't know!" Ms Patriot cried in horror as she gazed upon the long line of captured super heroines.

  She spotted Glory Gal and Glory Girl first. Next was Bat Babe, and next to her Midnight Avenger. Then came Ninja Girl, Ms Amazing, and Amazing Girl. Last, but not least, were the three she was looking for — Freedom Girl, Gold Avenger, and Golden

  All of them were in the same sad condition — stripped to boots, gloves, and mask, bellies fat with monster spawn, and delirious with base, carnal needs. As she stared open-mouthed, Gold Avenger grunted, convulsed, and squeezed out another sluglike creature. It slithered up the gorgeous blonde's round belly, and attached itself to a swollen tit. It made the most grotesque slurping sounds as it fed.

  "Yech, ugh," Ms Patriot cried, and jerked the creature off. She threw it with all her might against the wall, killing it. "So sick!"

  An eerie groan filled the room, almost sounding like a growl. She looked around warily, then noticed the empty table next to Freedom Girl. Probably Lady Dragon intended that for her. But she killed the creature. At least the adult. There were an untold number of babies to be rounded up and killed, after she rescued her friends and the other poor women.

  Movement between Glory Gal's legs caught her attention. A phallic tentacle rose up and easily pushed into the sexy super heroine's now stretched out pussy. Glory Gal arched her back, smiled blissfully, and moaned wantonly. Then Ms Patriot spotted the seed moving up the breeding limb, bulging out the tube as it traveled up.

  "No!" she cried, and ripped the phallus out, then flung it down and stomped on the seed still moving up it.

  A deafening scream of rage and pain filled the room.

  Hundreds of tentacles dropped from the ceiling all around her. Ms Patriot dropped to a defensive crouch, shocked by her predicament. The tentacles began thrashing about, looking for the attacker.

  It didn't take long.

  "Sacred Justice!" she cried, battling for her life. Then a huge, bulbous head dropped from the ceiling a few feet to her right. Eyeballs the size of her head focused angrily upon the struggling super heroine. "It's huge! This has got to be the mother of all monsters."

  Without her power belt, Ms Patriot was tangled up in the creature's tentacles even faster than last time. Within seconds she was secured and helpless. Then three tentacles with phalluses descended. The first plunged straight up into her still aching pussy.